Starrydata is an open database project that aims to collect, analyze, and share valuable experimental data, revolutionizing research efficiency in the field of materials informatics.

1. Materials Data from Published Plot Images

We have collected a vast collection of experimental data extracted from previously published papers. We convert graph images in papers into usable numerical data, enabling efficient analysis and reuse.

2. Collaborative Data Sharing

Contribute to the global open data movement by sharing data that you extracted from published papers, using our plot digitizer. Download data in various formats, including Excel-friendly tables, grid-based files, and relational databases, tailored for different research needs.

3. Non-profit Academic Research

Starrydata2 operates as a non-profit initiative, supporting academic research and eliminating user fees. Our data curators are supported by public research funds and collaborative researches with industries. Help us expand the database by citing Starrydata in your research.


 If you use the Starrydata as a resource in your research, please cite the following paper.
Y. Katsura, M. Kumagai, T. Kodani, M. Kaneshige, Y. Ando, S. Gunji, Y. Imai, H. Ouchi, K. Tobita, K. Kimura, K. Tsuda, Data-driven analysis of electron relaxation times in PbTe-type thermoelectric materials, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 20 (2019) 511-520.